(Reflections on the active, pragmatic and open foreign policy of President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev in 2024)
2024: A Look at Uzbekistan's New Foreign Policy
Taking into account the unparalleled and rapid changes occurring in our country's life, as well as the increasingly beautiful and prosperous appearance of our cities and villages, we have every reason to declare that 2024 was a highly productive, fruitful, and blessed year in all respects.
I believe this is due to a significant truth: the idea of “New Uzbekistan”, which has deeply taken root in the consciousness of our people, has inspired each of us toward great goals and transformed into a nationwide movement.
As our President Shavkat Mirziyoyev aptly put it:
"The dreams and aspirations of our people, which have been shaped by our national mindset from ancient times to the present, and have been expressed in various ideas and practical actions, are now embodied in the concept of New Uzbekistan."
When analyzing the profound changes taking place in the life of New Uzbekistan, we can clearly see that in the past year, our country’s reputation as a competitive state and a reliable partner in the world has further grown. Most notably, our constructive initiatives of international and regional significance have been unanimously supported by the global community.
I personally consider this to be the life-giving fruit of the noble ideas and initiatives put forward by the head of our state, Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
To confirm my words, I find it appropriate to mention the sincere congratulations and well-wishes sent on the occasion of the new year 2025 to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, by leaders of the most advanced foreign nations, parliaments, governments, prestigious international and regional organizations, global financial institutions, as well as prominent politicians, public figures, and religious leaders.
In their greetings, heads of foreign states and international organizations expressed wishes for peace, tranquility, happiness, prosperity, great success, and progress to the President of Uzbekistan and the multinational people.
We can confidently say that the open, pragmatic, constructive, active and peace-loving foreign policy outlined by the head of our state Shavkat Mirziyoyev eight years ago has also yielded its effective results in 2024.
It is no coincidence that international organisations and leaders of foreign states in their New Year greetings highly appreciate the rapid pace of reforms and development of Uzbekistan, the creation of decent living conditions for the people, and recognise our President Shavkat Mirziyoyev as a state and political figure of world level.
In this sense, objectively analysing the active foreign policy of the New Uzbekistan in the past year, we will undoubtedly witness the achievements of the diplomacy of the New Uzbekistan, closely linked to further building up the economic and political power of our country, ensuring the priority of national interests, strengthening its positive international image in the international community in the context of rapid changes taking place on a global scale, new challenges and threats.
This undoubtedly reflects the determination, firm will, and, most importantly, full faith in the bright future of our people, the main author of the concept of Uzbekistan's foreign policy, honourable Shavkat Mirziyoyev, who has devoted his entire life to selfless service to the nation.
The idea of ‘New Uzbekistan’ embodies more than three thousand years of historical experience in the development of our national statehood and the principles of strengthening friendly relations with the world community on the basis of peace and harmony. That means that Uzbekistan remains faithful to these strategic principles and has always fully fulfilled its obligations to partner countries and international organisations.
Last year, despite the complex and contradictory changes in international life, New Uzbekistan confirmed its commitment to equal rights and respect for the sovereign equality of states in international relations, peaceful resolution of disputes, non-interference in the internal affairs of other states, and other universally recognized principles of international law. Our country has also demonstrated in practice that it is always ready to develop foreign relations with all countries, taking into account both its national interests and the trends of world development.
“In the current era, where the essence and content of international relations are undergoing fundamental changes and a new balance of power is forming globally, it is imperative that the interests of our people and our homeland always remain the highest priority in all our actions, laws, and decisions,” emphasizes our head of state.
The fundamental philosophical goal of the foreign policy pursued by the leader of our nation is to protect the highest interests of the people under any circumstances. Accordingly, when President Mirziyoyev states, “My greatest goal is to ensure my people's happiness and satisfaction”, his words carry profound meaning.
As I write these lines, I am reminded of the great wisdom of our ancestor Bahauddin Naqshband, who asserted that an ideal state should be governed by a "philosopher ruler" and declared, "A ruler must outwardly be with the people and inwardly with the truth." Similarly, the great thinker Mir Alisher Navoi, in his unparalleled works, consistently exalted rulers who cared for humanity, its destiny, and the interests of the people.
From this perspective, wherever Shavkat Mirziyoyev participates in international forums or engages in dialogue with leaders of other states and international organizations, he impresses all interlocutors as a global thinker, a statesman capable of positively resolving complex international issues, and a tireless and sincere individual who staunchly defends the interests of our people.
Let us now turn to some figures. In 2024 alone, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev undertook 17 international visits and held over 100 meetings and negotiations within the framework of these visits.
The President participated in more than 140 international events in 2024. Over 264 bilateral and multilateral international agreements and documents were signed. Within the framework of bilateral and multilateral international initiatives, agreements to implement over 2,000 investment projects were reached, with the total value of these projects and trade deals amounting to nearly $120 billion.
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey provided the following description of the phenomenon of Shavkat Mirziyoyev: “Under the leadership of my dear brother Shavkat Mirziyoyev, Uzbekistan, situated in the heart of Central Asia, is gaining increasing significance in regional and global politics. This brings us immense joy. I consider the leader of Uzbekistan a sincere friend and a comprehensive strategic partner”.
New Central Asia: An Effective Model for Regional Cooperation
Today, the further development of productive and systematic relations with the countries of New Central Asia, other leading partner states, prominent international and regional organizations, and financial institutions remains at the forefront of our nation’s foreign policy.
Renowned foreign experts have acknowledged that, in recent years, Central Asia has genuinely become a region of security, stability, and sustainable development, increasing its appeal to international partners.
It is worth highlighting that from the moment Shavkat Mirziyoyev assumed the presidency, he declared Central Asia to be the highest priority of Uzbekistan’s foreign policy. This led to a fundamental improvement in friendly relations with neighboring countries.
The dream of a New Central Asia is becoming a reality today. Our region is rapidly evolving as a hub of economic growth and investment activity. Thanks to unique historical opportunities, Central Asia is becoming a space for mutually beneficial cooperation and sustainable development.
In this regard, it is no coincidence that our nation’s leader made seven visits to neighboring countries last year alone.
For example, in August 2024, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev paid a state visit to Kazakhstan. All foreign politicians highly appreciated the fact that, thanks to the joint systematic and practical efforts of the head of Uzbekistan, it was possible to bring Uzbek-Kazakh cooperation to the highest level of allied relations.
During these negotiations:
First. The establishment of an Inter-Parliamentary Forum involving both chambers of the parliaments was discussed.
Second. A decision was made to create a new, modern framework of collaboration by establishing a Council of Foreign Ministers.
Third. A Strategic Partnership and Alliance Program for 2024–2034 was adopted to strengthen comprehensive cooperation further.
Importantly, agreements were reached to continue close cooperation on shared use of transboundary water resources, a previously contentious issue hindering intergovernmental relations.
The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev participated in the Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia in Astana. The cordial dialogues at the Consultative Meetings of the Heads of State of Central Asia, which have become a tradition in recent years, the important initiatives put forward, and the implemented multilateral projects have radically changed the face of the region.
Trade, investment, transportation, and people-to-people exchanges have grown exponentially. Foreign partners have shown increasing interest, as evidenced by various "Central Asia Plus" format meetings.
At these meetings, the Head of state put forward a number of initiatives aimed at further developing regional co-operation.
First. Establishing regular meetings of an Economic Council.
Second, Promoting industrial cooperation and creating a Central Asia Investment Council.
Third. Forming an Innovation Development Bank and holding joint investment forums regularly.
Fourth. Adopting an agreement on transportation and transit, and organizing an Expert Conference with transport ministries, logistics companies, and specialists.
Fifth. Ensuring food security by introducing innovative agricultural methods and water-saving technologies.
The head of our state has been promoting the interests of not only Uzbekistan, but also the countries of our region at global conferences. For instance, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev's speech at the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank exemplified his commitment to these goals..
Currently, the population of Central Asia has exceeded 80 million. The region's gross domestic product is expected to reach 700 billion US dollars in the next five years. At the same time, the demand for large-scale infrastructure projects in the region is growing day by day.
The head of Uzbekistan put forward the initiative to establish a regional center for the widespread introduction of water-saving technologies in cooperation with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
At the second “Central Asia-Germany” summit, the President of our country, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, also focused on issues of sustainable development in the region and expressed his views on the main directions of developing cooperation with Germany.
The first direction. It was proposed to adopt a long-term Concept for the Development of Cooperation, which would include programmatic measures in priority areas. To develop this document, the issue of considering the possibilities of establishing a forum of think tanks “Central Asia-Germany” and holding its first meeting in 2025 in Khiva, one of the ancient cities in the region, where a large German-Mennonite community lives.
The second direction. Launching the “Central Asia and Germany” Council of Investors and Entrepreneurs. Holding its first meeting in Uzbekistan in 2025, within the framework of the Tashkent Investment Forum; considering the possibility of adopting a multilateral intergovernmental agreement on the promotion and protection of investments.
The third direction. Developing partnership in the field of important raw materials based on the introduction of advanced German knowledge and technologies. This refers to projects on organizing the supply of products to Germany and other countries of the European Union.
The fourth direction. Considering the possibility of establishing a dialogue between the countries of Central Asia and Germany in the field of energy.
The fifth direction. Joint response to climate change. Implementing joint educational programs and scientific exchanges on the basis of the University of Central Asia on the study of the environment and climate change.
The sixth direction. Hosting a conference to develop alternative transportation corridors connecting Central Asia with Europe, addressing the current underdevelopment of transport and logistics infrastructure.
In recent years, New Uzbekistan has increasingly become a platform for international dialogue on resolving vital global and regional issues..
It is noteworthy that UN Secretary-General António Guterres called President Shavkat Mirziyoyev a bridge builder and a peace envoy in the region, while President of the European Council Charles Michel noted his key role in strengthening peace, stability, trade and co-operation among Central Asian countries.
Prominent international policymakers and media have emphasized the importance of studying and applying President Mirziyoyev's prudent foreign policy as a model for addressing global and regional challenges effectively.
Uzbekistan and the UN: Successful Cooperation in Solving Global Challenges
Uzbekistan is developing effective cooperation with the UN and its specialized agencies in solving global problems. Through joint efforts within the UN framework, Uzbekistan has successfully implemented 140 programs and projects. In recent years alone, Uzbekistan has initiated the adoption of 11 special resolutions by the UN General Assembly.
In 2024, five UN Deputy Secretaries-General visited Uzbekistan. The country was elected to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the Governing Body of the International Labour Organization. Additionally, for the first time, an Uzbek representative became a member of the UN Human Rights Committee. A new UN specialized agency office – the International Fund for Agricultural Development began operations in Tashkent.
Uzbekistan, in partnership with the UN, has hosted major international events on global issues such as food security, tourism development, poverty alleviation, climate change mitigation, and biodiversity preservation. In 2025, Samarkand will host UNESCO’s 43rd General Conference.
In this context, the UN welcomes the initiatives of global significance put forward by the Head of State, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, at the most prestigious international summits.
For example, during the 29th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29), more than 200 heads of state and government, international organizations, and financial institutions participated in the World Leaders Summit. At this prominent event, President Mirziyoyev reaffirmed Uzbekistan’s commitment to actively participating in addressing the consequences of global climate change and proposed the following initiatives:
The first initiative: establishing an International Center for Climate Loss and Damage Assessment to provide developing countries with technical assistance from leading nations and international institutions in identifying climate risks.
The second initiative: drafting a Declaration on the Integrity and Environmental Security of River Ecosystems under the UN’s auspices..
The third initiative: creating a UN Innovative Agro-Industrial Hub in Uzbekistan to assist landlocked countries.
The fourth initiative: forming a Global Alliance of Climate Capitals to transfer advanced knowledge and practices for the sustainable development of cities affected by climate change, with its first forum proposed to be held in Tashkent.
The active participation of Uzbekistan in the summit was especially recognized by the leaders of foreign countries and experts, and the fact that Shavkat Mirziyoyev promoted initiatives of global importance, which in turn gave a strong impetus to the development of sustainable practices, and opened up new opportunities for international cooperation was an extremely important event for the world community.
During the conference in Baku, President Mirziyoyev held over ten meetings with leaders of other states and international organizations. Discussions included the restoration of the Aral Sea region and plans to host major international events for Global Environment Facility donors in Uzbekistan in 2025, which received notable attention in international media.
Pragmatic and Multi-Vector Foreign Policy: The Strategic Direction of New Uzbekistan
The Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022–2026 underscores that the state will continue pursuing a pragmatic and multi-vector foreign policy solely based on national interests to ensure the well-being of its people.
Maintaining a balanced, constant dialogue with partner countries and within international organizations on regional and global issues, holding bilateral and multilateral meetings with them, and organizing consultations in the political, economic and cultural spheres and at various levels have also borne fruit in the past year.
In this context, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s active participation in the Summit of the Organization of Turkic States in Shusha, Azerbaijan, held under the theme “Building a Sustainable Future through Transport, Connectivity and Climate Action” is a milestone in Uzbekistan's foreign policy history.
Our country, which joined the Turkic States Organization five years ago, has established mutually beneficial and comprehensive cooperation in more than 30 important areas in a short period of time.
At this prestigious Summit, the Head of State of Uzbekistan unanimously approved a number of initiatives to develop unity and integration in the Turkic world, access to major world markets and the restoration of the Great Silk Road in new historical conditions, more productive use of the opportunities of international corridors in the field of trade and transport, and expansion of cooperation in the field of alternative energy. It can be said that the New Uzbekistan was another achievement of Uzbek diplomacy.
Last year, Uzbekistan further strengthened its position within international strategic platforms such as the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, BRICS, in protecting its economic interests and developing multilateral trade, ensuring security and stability in the region, and discussing regional problems on an international scale.
Since 2017, Uzbekistan has prioritized strengthening economic cooperation within the CIS. Over the years, Uzbekistan has actively participated in CIS structures, proposing initiatives to expand multifaceted collaboration.
In October 2024, President Mirziyoyev attended the CIS Heads of State Council meeting. During the session, he proposed hosting the CIS Economic Council meeting and the Innovation Development Forum within the framework of the ‘Innoprom’ international industrial exhibition in Tashkent in spring 2025.
Uzbekistan's initiative to regularly hold meetings of experts and analysts from the CIS countries and hold the next conference in Samarkand on the development of artificial intelligence has become an important step for the future success of the countries' economic, scientific and cultural development. After all, changes in the field of introducing artificial intelligence will help increase the global competitiveness of countries, create important opportunities in the field of scientific and technical education for young people.
Our country's participation in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization deserves special attention. The SCO is a unique international structure that unites countries with different cultural, civilizational and national development models. Today, the SCO community is the largest regional organization in the world, covering a vast geographical area and uniting almost half of the population of our planet. The main goal of the organization is to develop multilateral cooperation by ensuring regional security.
As the head of our state, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, put it, “The organization remains a center that attracts many countries seeking to establish wide-ranging cooperation devoid of false political and ideological views.”
Our President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, at the meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO in July 2024, drew the attention of all heads of state to the need to prevent the weakening of the SCO’s unity, strengthen the cohesion of the “SCO family”, and consistently implement the principle of common development, and proposed about 10 constructive initiatives to enhance strategic cooperation, which became the basis for the formation of new models of partnership and the development of a long-term agenda for sustainable development within the SCO.
The approval by the leaders of the member states of the Organization of the proposals and comments of the Head of State at the BRICS Plus Summit on developing cooperation in achieving the common goals of sustainable development, in particular, developing ties between businessmen, and preventing the spread of radicalization and extremist ideas, especially among young people, served to further enhance the prestige of our state in the international arena.
Due to Uzbekistan’s active and pragmatic foreign policy, our country is becoming one of the centers of world politics and the author of global initiatives. Another example of this. At the initiative of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the 150th Anniversary Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union is planned to be held in Uzbekistan in 2025.
It should be noted that this influential structure, which unites parliaments of 180 countries of the world, holds its supreme body, the assembly, in countries with positive experience of parliamentarism and sustainable development. The holding of the assembly for the first time in the Central Asian region, in Uzbekistan, once again confirms that the efforts made in our country under the leadership of our President to develop democratic reforms and parliamentarism are recognized by the world community.
A New Form of Modern Diplomacy
Today, telephone conversations has become a significant and modern element of international relations. It is a swift and efficient method for discussing pressing global issues, coordinating positions on crucial political and economic matters, and strengthening bilateral ties.
Such conversations also reinforce personal connections between heads of state, positively impacting the development of international relations. A closer analysis of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev's use of this form of modern diplomacy reveals that he engaged in 44 telephone conversations with foreign leaders in 2024 alone.
For example, in March 2024, President Mirziyoyev held a sincere telephone conversation with UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Both leaders expressed satisfaction with the current high level of multifaceted cooperation between Uzbekistan and the UAE. They emphasized the importance of thoroughly preparing for upcoming high-level meetings and exchanged views on enhancing practical collaboration across various sectors.
It should be noted that today, more than 300 enterprises with the participation of Emirati investment are operating in Uzbekistan, and the portfolio of joint projects has exceeded 4 billion US dollars. In addition, promising projects are being developed in high technologies, energy, geology, agriculture, tourism, IT, infrastructure, logistics and other areas.
In 2024, President Mirziyoyev also held telephone discussions with leaders from Russia, Belarus, Iran, Turkey, Azerbaijan, neighboring countries, as well as the Prime Ministers of Malaysia and Japan. The common purpose behind these conversations was to quickly address urgent political, social, and economic issues in the interests of New Uzbekistan and its people.
Beyond state matters, through telephone conversations, the head of our state learns about the well-being of our citizens who are on foreign trips or at the Olympic Games, talks with them personally, and wishes our athletes victories.
In May 2024, Shavkat Mirziyoyev had a telephone conversation with the Chairman of the Muslim Board, Mufti Sheikh Nuriddin Kholiknazar, and asked about the conditions created for almost 12,000 Uzbek pilgrims performing Hajj, their health and well-being. The head of our state wished our compatriots to perform the holy Hajj pilgrimage perfectly and return safely.
Such examples reflect the deep humanity and dedication of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. They highlight his genuine care for the people of Uzbekistan and his proactive approach to leadership, instilling pride and confidence in the nation's future.
In summary, it can be said that these short examples alone indicate that Uzbekistan is effectively implementing an active foreign policy and multifaceted foreign economic activity. After all, the principle of New Uzbekistan diplomacy also implies taking the initiative in solving problems of universal, regional and national levels in international relations, eliminating threats, and ensuring sustainable development.
Akmal Saidov,
Member of the United Nations
Human Rights Committee